Сообщение №30164636

0 +0−0Paul Robertus12:14:17
0 +0−0Wolf Wolfson11:49:21
Для граждан многих нормальных стран мира почти весь Северный Кавказ России относится к районам, куда туристам вообще ездить пока не рекомендуется. С официального британского сайта "Local travel
The North Caucasus remains an unstable and potentially dangerous region. The Russian authorities take a particularly strict attitude towards security, as well as compliance with visa and registration rules. Short-term travel restrictions are sometimes applied in relation to ongoing security operations. These are publicised at very short notice, if at all. Cross-border traffic with Georgia and Azerbaijan is also subject to restrictions.

If you travel to these parts of Russia against FCO advice, you are taking a serious risk. The ability of the FCO and the British Embassy in Moscow to help in the case of an emergency would be severely limited due to the security situation."
Да уже весь мир знает цену чеченам. Ни один нормальный человек туда без охраны не поедет.
^^^Наверх^^^Обратная связь