Сообщение №30163984

0 +0−0Wolf Wolfson11:49:21
Для граждан многих нормальных стран мира почти весь Северный Кавказ России относится к районам, куда туристам вообще ездить пока не рекомендуется. С официального британского сайта "Local travel
The North Caucasus remains an unstable and potentially dangerous region. The Russian authorities take a particularly strict attitude towards security, as well as compliance with visa and registration rules. Short-term travel restrictions are sometimes applied in relation to ongoing security operations. These are publicised at very short notice, if at all. Cross-border traffic with Georgia and Azerbaijan is also subject to restrictions.

If you travel to these parts of Russia against FCO advice, you are taking a serious risk. The ability of the FCO and the British Embassy in Moscow to help in the case of an emergency would be severely limited due to the security situation."
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