Сообщение №85637274

0 +0−0SAS Bravo23:01:50
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday said the U.S. wasn’t seeking "regime change" in Moscow."In any event, it’s not up to us," he told the BBC from Brussels.

"The Russian people need to decide their leadership. They need to decide whether the leaders that are there are actually advancing and representing their needs, their interests, their will. It’s absolutely not up to us."

Blinken said he would ask the Russian people, if he could, how the "war of aggression, unprovoked, unwarranted on Ukraine" is helping them in their everyday lives.

"How is it sending a kid to school? How is it getting you a job? How is it cleaning the air? How is it dealing with the things you care about?" he questioned.

On the contrary, he told the BBC, the Russian people are "tragically" bearing the burden of President Vladimir Putin’s war because of the massive sanctions imposed on the country by the U.S. and its allies.
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