Сообщение №80836020

0 +0−0Fook Yu19:48:25
0 +0−0Евгений Правдалюб19:41:00
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In a faltering, hesitant voice, Justin A. Volpe admitted yesterday that he rammed a stick into Abner Louima's rectum and then thrust it in his face, an act, the police officer acknowledged, intended to humiliate and intimidate the handcuffed Haitian immigrant.

''If you tell anybody about this, I'll find you and kill you,'' Mr. Volpe said he told Mr. Louima moments after the Aug. 9, 1997, assault in the restroom of the 70th Precinct station house in Brooklyn.

By admitting guilt, Mr. Volpe hoped to be spared a life sentence for an assault that cast a shadow on the entire New York Police Department. But while he offered grim details about acts he has long denied, Mr. Volpe did not implicate any other officers by name, even though four others are still on trial in the case. [Page B1.]

As he confessed to six Federal crimes, Mr. Volpe at times struggled for words when pressed to explain the forces that compelled him to torture Mr. Louima.

The NY Times May 26, 1999
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