Сообщение №1420867079969096

4 +7−3Tatiana Kuntz08:17:59
-1 +5−6Madey Bet08:09:07
France must avoid overreaction and stop its aggression!
In these difficult times, it is our duty to demonstrate massively solidarity with Muslims in France. These reprehensible acts are linked to oppression and occupation of French in Muslim territory. These reprehensible acts are an understandable reaction to apartheid, genocide and ethnic cleansing that France daily practice against Muslims both within its territory a little all over the world. We must call the French to avoid disproportionate reaction and to stop its aggression against the resistant Muslims in France, Africa or the Middle East.
The only viable solution is the two-state solution with Paris as the common capital. UN troops will create a buffer zone to keep the peace by monitoring arms transfers in subway tunnels.
It will then organize an international donor conference to assist in the establishment of these States and ensure the sustainability of the new state.
The peace process must be based on the withdrawal of the France border before Charles Martel. In front of Notre-Dame will be free access to the Muslims but also accessible, subject to conditions, and the dropper to Christians, with absolute prohibition to utter prayers.
Совсем охренел? По всей Европе надо запретить мусульманство как террористическую религию до тех пор пока они сами не вычистят себя от мразей и официально проведут манифестации по всем странам в осуждение радикалов и отречение от них
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