Сообщение №66716480

0 +0−0Самуил Я Маршак22:23:12
-1 +0−0United States Of America22:23:06
конечно, у Трампа media empire, his looks is his brand. тебе потцу глаза цифрами замылили, если бы показали яхту Оасис Абрамовича и назвали ее стоимость ты бы сразу сказал ВОР!!!

Типичный совковский менталитет.
Haircuts are difficult to write off. “You can’t deduct expenses of radio and television appearances to increase your personal prestige or establish your professional reputation,” according to the IRS.

Previous court cases have also affirmed this rule in relation to manicures, grooming, teeth whitening and skin care, as they are considered inherently personal expenditures.
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