Сообщение №62860339

-2 +0−0Торквемадий Зямасрульман07:40:56
-1 +0−0Громова Анастасия00:02:17
Criel we are with you Courage
Jewish should be blamed in the Second World War I was in Germany last year Bugenwald Osvencim and Dadhau are beautiful places for them Good climate nd springs I don’t believe in any conclagers there Beria open the war against Germany and Russia many Germans were also killed in the War And the Jewish latest tric with vivid they made this desease and spread it all over the world to kill the other nations but Thanks Good or Diabolo this desease concerns only them because they are another bad blood because they crossified Jesus Christ but the closed all the economy in order to put other nations in hunger and lack of money We are with you and in South Africa I suppose you will find support but be very careful don’t take food from anybody the Jewish can try to poison you I have the same problem in Russia
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