Сообщение №53440666

-1 +0−0Кот Бегемот16:20:13
3 +0−0ГЕНЕРАЛ АЛИСИМУС16:05:34
уже и новая газета всех разоблачила... а нато все молчит и терпит с 2016.
Тупенькое фантазер , ты уже совсем заврался в своей лжи. Нато не молчит. А вполне себе публикует.
As the Norwegian publication Aldrimer (Aldrimer.no), specializing in security issues in the Scandinavian region, reported in its material from 27.09.2019, Russian special forces were spotted in Norway. In support of its words, the portal refers to as many as four (!) Sources in the intelligence of Norway and its NATO allies. On Spitsbergen, the special forces were quite classic, in military uniform, but in the continental part of the country the special forces were dressed in civilian clothes.
А Новая просто подхватила этот тренд!
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