Сообщение №50758581

0 +0−0Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin17:11:11
Bladud or Blaiddyd

is a legendary king of the Britons,
for whose existence there is no historical evidence.

He is first mentioned
in Geoffrey of Monmouth's
Historia Regum Britanniae,
which describes him as

the son of King Rud Hud Hudibras,

and the tenth ruler in line from the first King, Brutus.

A Bleydiud son of Caratauc is mentioned in the Welsh Harleian MS 3859 genealogies, suggesting to some that Geoffrey misinterpreted a scrap of Welsh genealogy (such as the Harleian genealogies or a related text).

The Welsh form of the name is given as Blaiddyd in manuscripts of the Brut Tysilio (Welsh translations of Geoffrey's Historia).

The meaning of the name is "Wolf-lord" (Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord").

In the text he is said to have founded the city of Bath. He was succeeded by his son Leir (King Lear).

1. Hitler (Hittlaer, Hiedler), Hutler
2. Her Liar --- Herliar -- Hettlaer - Hittlaer - Hitler
3. Her The Leir - Hetleir - Hitler == decendent of King Lier, decendent of "Wolf-Lord", decendent of King Blaiddyd
4. Hitlier 2nd nickname surname was "Wolf"
5. Jewish doctor Bla.... ------ Blaiddyd --- Hitler ordered not to touch his Jewish doctor and he left Germany to America save with money of profit for a sale his property in Germany.
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