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The American F-35 fleet is falling far short of operational readiness goals, and the main culprit is a shortage of parts, according to a new Government Accountability Office report.

By November of last year, the US F-35 fleet—across the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps—was only achieving a full mission capable rate of 27 percent, and a mission capable rate of 52 percent, due to inadequate parts availability, the GAO said. The situation is due in part to older parts being “incompatible” with more recent versions of the F-35, and more broadly, because of an “immature”

Marine Corps F-35 deployment, “44 percent of purchased parts were incompatible” with the version of the jet the marines took to sea.

“Without a process to modify the sets of parts for deployments, DOD may be unable to meet the services’ operational needs,” the GAO said.

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