Сообщение №44263949

0 +0−0Воёдя Тодыров00:36:50
Американским военным не выдали зарплату

Вся Армия США не получила зарплату ни за декабрь, ни январь. У военных заканчиваются средства и накопления для существования

Адмирал Карл Шульц отметил, что зарплата им не начислена в связи с приостановкой работы федерального правительства, и, насколько ему известно, этот случай является беспрецедентным в истории страны.

Благотворительные организации начали сбор продуктов питания и средств для голодающих американских военных

Shutdown Day 25: The Coast Guard Isn’t Receiving Paychecks

The government shutdown is now on day 25, with little sign that it’s ending soon. And today, members of the U.S. Coast Guard are not receiving the paychecks they would normally have.

Admiral Karl Schultz, Commandant of the Coast Guard, said in a statement today, “I recognize the anxiety and uncertainty this situation places on you and your family, and we are working closely with service organizations on your behalf. To this end, I am encouraged to share that Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA) has received a $15 million donation from USAA to support our people in need. In partnership with CGMA, the American Red Cross will assist in the distribution of these funds to our military and civilian workforce requiring assistance.”

Today you will not be receiving your regularly scheduled paycheck. To the best of my knowledge, this marks the first time in our Nation’s history that servicemembers in a U.S. Armed Force have not been paid during a lapse in appropriations. Read more: Ссылка на t.co pic.twitter.com/J2o00zWm0k

— Admiral Karl Schultz (@ComdtUSCG) January 15, 2019
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