Сообщение №19292825

2 +0−0Mikasa Ackermann13:16:22
2 +0−0Robert McMaster08:15:49
Perhaps one would allow and wonder where American engineers are during this time. Who are the engineers that built the Zumwalts, the Ford aircraft carrier or the F-35s? Because these are clowns. Russia has problems getting enough engineers up to speed. The U.S. can't deliver engineers who are competent.

I'll go with the Russians, thank you very much.
the US used to have some of the best engineers in the world, but the recent Pentagon tendency to get/spend as much money as possible on everything has sort of killed any realism in many US defense projects. thus the useless F-35 or the $3 billion apiece Zumwalts, while the US only has an extremely dated MBT and an almost equally dated ICBM park.

Russia doesnt have even 1/10th of the Pentagon's money (since it can't print USD) and is therefore forced to focus on pragmatic and lean stuff that works - Su-34s, Armata, Kalibr, or the Borei SSBNs.
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