Сообщение №19181140

5 +0−0Тональд Драмп01:08:44
-1 +0−0Dmitriy NeoN01:05:58
А вот еще печалька:

Millennials, they’re just like you! They’re struggling to save money.

More than half of millennials (nearly 52%) have less than $1,000 in savings, according to a recent survey from howmuch.net, a personal finance site. The study was carried out online by Google Consumer Surveys last month among more than 2,550 people ages 18 to 24 and ages 24 to 35. But before you fret about the younger Americans and their tendency to splurge on Instagram-worthy meals, while they hold out for the perfect job where their boss respects them and they get to be creative all the time, take note: About 62% of Americans overall have less than $1,000 in savings, a survey from personal finance GoBankingRates.com found earlier this year.

Ссылка на www.marketwatch.com
Ты отрезал от этой статьи самое важное, русачок

Nearly one-fifth of all millennials (18%) have between $1,000 and $5,000 saved, 16.5% have more than $20,000 in the bank, 7.3% have between $5,000 and $10,000 and 6.4% have between $10,000 and $20,000 saved.

То есть большинство молодежи до 24 лет имеет более $10k в накоплениях.

А сколько в среднем имеют в накоплениях молодые русачки?
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