Сообщение №1431053260424522

2 +2−0TaijiquanGaoshou05:47:40
-3 +1−4Александр Котов19:43:50
You are simply wrong. Learn history. Stalin had no choice but to ally the Soviet uniоn with Germany. Russia was left alone after Munich. BTW, Poland participated in dismembering of Czechoslovakia. Poland got Teschen as its reward.
Seems like some like to forget that Poles and Russians fought side by side against Nazis. Is that what they teach in Polish schools these days?
О чём ты шепчешь, Саша ? СССР никогда не был "ally" с Германией. Пакт о ненападении -- это не договор союзников.
^^^Наверх^^^Обратная связь