Сообщение №1431008708063179

2 +3−1Alexandre Savine17:25:08
7 +10−3Jan Ludwikowski00:18:38
Why we do not want to share 9 of may with You? Truth is that milions of Russians died during the war. And they were fighting with Nazi Germany but i September 1939 Russia and Germany togheter started II warld war and Attacked Poland. All this people (like 3milions of polish Jews) deid because of Sovet uniоn agression on Poland... If not Ribbentrop-Molotov pact Hitler wouldnt attack. He would be afraid that France and UK would respond on his aggresion. After this pact France and UK were to affraid of confrontation with Soviet uniоn and the betrayed us... Krakow
When Poland, France, England had chance to join USSR in opposition to rising Germani - they preferred Munich-38. After that, USSR had to prepare for a war on its own. And there is no way to blame it for using same methods as its (future) allies.
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