Сообщение №1382125528813466

1 +7−6San Base22:45:28
8 +15−7Алексей Левин22:16:49
Пожалуйста, вот суждение эксперта:
Did Russia have the right to arrest them?

Yes, according to the terms of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982. The "Arctic Sunrise" was within Russia's declared exclusive economic zone, which stretches 200 nautical miles (370 kilometers) from its northern coastline into the Arctic Ocean.

Chris Bellamy, director of the Greenwich Maritime Institute in England and an expert on maritime security, says all countries have the right to maintain exclusive economic zones and police them.

"Inside Russia's exclusive economic zone, the state has the right to exploit the natural resources and to protect those operations," Bellamy explains. "So, if the ship was perceived to be a threat to the operation of the oil platform, then the Russians would argue that they were entitled to protect it by arresting the ship."
Александр Левин, где в этом тексте хоть одно упоминание, что данное деяние является пиратством?
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