Сообщение №27903788

1 +0−0Para_ Bellum20:49:22
0 +0−0Alexey Yakubovich20:41:46
Well, it's again USA, firing the war. Well, asymmetric response would be to supply weapon - lethal or even nuclear to any country that oppose USA expansion, such as Syria. Really, why USA have not seise (and never will) Russia? Or even stop Russian advance in Syria? Vital area for USA? Because they afraid Russian of nuclear weapon. So why don't make them afraid Syria, Libia, Afghan? Or any and every country that US invades or take down the government, as in so called "country of Ukraine". And then fire civil war, which will end up as usual, with US defeat, like in Korea, Vietnam, Afghan. This time US defeat will be VERY painful, especially for Europe, when all this US lethal weapon will be sold (by Ukraine) to terrorists right here, in Europe. Sure hat will make happy USA allies, and probably diminish the marionettes number.
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