Сообщение №25163255

0 +0−0Мел Бурн03:10:34
0 +0−0UMKA AQUARIUS23:33:07
Расслабься уже. Википедия... Куско - это столица империи Инков. А Trujillo можешь себе засунуть в одно место.
"Cusco is and will always be a cultural capital. It was in the days of the Inca Empire as its center and it is nowadays as one of the most important cities of the region. But, besides, it is a compulsory touristic destination for those who love the man's history.
It is not only an archaeological city. In other words, Cusco is not only ruins, but also its people and customs, history and traditions, that strange but enriching combination of the old Europe with the new continent. "
Ссылка на www.cusco-peru.org

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