Сообщение №19787513

0 +0−0Капец Полный07:20:51
5 +0−0Bub Bu06:38:18
"...Как рассказал глава центра Мохаммед Янги, перестрелка ..."

То есть мирно молящиеся в мечети ответили дружным ответным огнем??
The man, who didn’t want to be identified by name, said they could be heard yelling “Allah Akbar.”

He said he narrowly escaped when a bullet whizzed over his head. He said the gunmen took aim at those who were still praying.

Doyon, the police spokesperson, said that both men had been arrested and would be facing charges of murder. One was reportedly arrested at the scene of the attack while another fled.

But police would not provide any i
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