Сообщение №1469142906065691

0 +1−1Совесть 02:15:06
-1 +0−1Victor Zeleniy02:07:13
У бл№дкого жидяры уже пердак подгорел на ленте. В ссылке сказано "allegedly", в переводе это значит "якобы, "в планах, "как бы". То что он с 2002 переслал - это было законно. "Заговор" с целью незаконного экспорта он составляет якобы с 2008 года. Все эти 8 лет никак заговор не построит.
Кремлешлюха Victor Zeleniy привычно обосралась со своей тупой брехней

The defendants allegedly exported many of these high-tech goods, frequently through intermediary procurement firms, to Russian end users, including Russian military and intelligence agencies. To induce manufacturers and suppliers to sell them these high-tech goods and to evade applicable export controls, the defendants often provided false end-user information in connection with the purchase of the goods, concealed the fact that they were exporters, and falsely classified the goods they exported on export records submitted to the Department of Commerce. For example, in order to obtain microelectronics containing controlled, sensitive technologies, Arc claimed to American suppliers that, rather than exporting goods to Russia, it merely manufactured benign products such as traffic lights. Arc also falsely claimed to be a traffic light manufacturer on its website. In fact, Arc manufactured no goods and operated exclusively as an exporter.
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