Сообщение №1439730024778548

1 +2−1Enoch Arden16:00:24
1 +2−1Malmö Sydsvensken14:56:52
It hit me all of a sudden after the past year's events in Malmö and the world that journalism is dead. There are no journalists. Not even in Russia, where no journalist dare to ask why Russia still feeds Ukraine and allows Ukrainians to work without a visa in Russia. No one dares to ask Putin, although he is open to discussing the issue, why Russia does not clear up in Ukraine and put NATO where it belongs by shooting down one of the planes that violate Russian airspace. Why do Russian authorities not seize foreign children in Russia or why no foreign businessman is detained. I do not understand why the Russian Foreign Ministry do not criticize the violation of human rights in Sweden and demand that Jamtland and Harjedalen be returned to Norway. I do not understand why Russia does not sell all their oil to Saudi Arabia or, better yet, to Serbia. Along with the right to sell gas. Rather, why no journalist asks Putin if this could mean that Russia turned the world upside down to the advantage of Russia. Now, Putin has been doing that anyway, and Sweden no longer has any agriculture thanks to its revolutionary foreign policy.
Because Russia is run by comprador oligarchy for whom the Dept. of State is the boss. Russia is under external rule since 1991. Strange that you didn't notice it.
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