Сообщение №1422672591998452

1 +2−1Юрий Чушикин05:49:51
-2 +0−2Sergei Smolovich05:09:02
так я о том и толкую: ЗАДУМАЙТЕСЬ !!!
вот о чем, например:

"Morgan Stanley has a short message for Russia: you're doomed" !
Современная Россия: "Red Notice" $21 на Амазоне -

BILL BROWDER was a happy man in 2003. He had the perfect job and was making himself rich. He bought underpriced shares in badly run Russian companies and chivvied the management into behaving better so the share price would go up. It worked. Between the depth of Russia’s financial crash in 1998 and the end of 2003, his investment fund had grown more than 12-fold. What could go wrong? Plenty, it turned out, including expropriation, beatings, intimidation and death of Mr Browder’s Moscow tax lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who pieced together what was happening and began to seek redress. In response Magnitsky was arrested and told that he would be freed only if he gave evidence against his client. He held out for a year while he was kept in pre-trial detention in abominable conditions. On November 16th 2009 Magnitsky died of untreated pancreatitis, aggravated by a severe beating. In a particularly grotesque touch, the Russian authorities then prosecuted him posthumously for perpetrating the fraud he had uncovered.
"Russia May Need to Say ‘Do Svidaniya’ to Belarus" ...
"Russia boasts it will maintain military superiority over the West until 2020"
Да е б я твою писюльку. Тебе напомнить Югославию,Ирак,Ливию.Сирию.. Путин виноват,или твой черножопый господин с придурком Маккейном и невменяемой Клиторшей? Тебе здесь чего надо? Иди к Белому дому и ори там,что ты против войны.
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