Сообщение №1405013461202173

0 +0−0Анатолий Полтевский20:31:01
0 +0−0Ilya Zholdakov19:42:01
А, по баллам, субъективно. Я так и подумал.

Ссылка на www.plosone.org

A subjective silverback odor intensity rating was defined as (0) none, where no odor was detected; (1) low, where slight odor was detected not stronger than the smell of surrounding vegetation; (2) high, where odor detected was stronger than the smell of surrounding vegetation, and; (3) extreme, where odor detected was extremely conspicuous and the only element that could be smelled in the surrounding air. Data were recorded by two raters. Raters did not sensitize to odors over time (Table S2 in File S1). Due to the novel and exploratory nature of this research and in order to provide the necessary baseline for gorilla chemo-communication, this article focuses mostly on Makumba's extreme odor emission. In future analyses we aim to incorporate the effects of all other odor intensities on social responses.
Ага. Но был еще запах в 5 баллов - это когда неожиданно и очень сильно испугался.
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