Сообщение №1372998544232815

1 +1−0Алексей Тимошенко07:29:04
7 +7−0Владимир Гигиберия18:13:47
Эксперимент нельзя считать чистым. Возможно, что школы, построенные возле ЛЭП - окружены промзонами, а сами районы - неблагополучны. ЛЭП - признак промзоны вроде как, а дым и газы не шибко полезны для мозгов...
Скопирую часть статьи ученых:

According to the national principles of students automatically going to neighborhood schools, in Guangzhou city, children attended a primary school by their geographic district. This could guarantee the students in the same school lived in similar living environment. In our study, the average distance between children’s households and their school were within 2 km, and majority of them lived within 4 km from their schools. Resident areas of selected students in school A were located approximately 12 km away from the areas of students selected in school B. Because of being belong to the same town and the close distance from each other, the residents in different villages have similar living environment and eating habits.

Before our formal investigation, we had collected data of various environmental factors, including air pollution, noise and green area around each school. Both of the two primary schools were located in the suburb of Guangzhou, where few arterial roads located and there are very few traffic jams. According to the daily air quality reports on website of Guangzhou environmental monitoring station, the air quality in the areas is good. There are no local industrial pollution sources around each school. Additionally noise and green area are similar in the two schools.

Совсем за дураков их держать все же не стоит. ^_^
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