Сообщение №1372384446263838

0 +0−0Ilya Makaroff04:54:06
Damn straight. Not only that people can afford to learn something for free or much less than academies/colleges/universities are asking for but, as well, jump to something what is MORE interesting to them, and then come back to re-learn some bases of that "something" that sparked this interested. As Boris Shefner said: Повторенье - мать ученья? Уж вернее - впечатление... And as for those who criticize it and suggest to "ask a professional for a better expressions of learning material" is nothing more than desperate attempts to save that niche they're losing. Money , etc...I mean - why those people who say they teach because they really love to do that for tons of money? Well, yeah, they have to pay off whatever they spent for their own education. Rest of it is greed. Khan's technique beats BOTH of those factors - go ahead - learn! It would be so nice to see more of them smart folks, world would be a better place, most of global/localized conflicts would seize to exist...

Bravo , Khan
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