Сообщение №1372075754498672

0 +0−0Alex15:09:14
-2 +0−2Mr Anderson15:04:02
Well, you russians got a long path before you even reach our level. Manners wise. You people are impolite and arrogant. Barely even smile. You can't even greet people properly. You don't even know what's being a customer oriented person means. Your shop (store, whatever) employees look like they all are DEAD and like i owe them something. Vanish from this thread, comrade
Бедняга, как тебя колбасит.
''Я бежала за вами три дня и три ночи,чтобы сказать как вы мне безразличны (с) ''
Зря пытаешься самоутвердиться в Интернете. 20<лет?
^^^Наверх^^^Обратная связь