F G №1909699 „3“

3 +3−0F G 20:30:48
1 +4−3Y Y20:23:27
Текст ООН прямым текстом указывает на участие боевиков правого сектора в сожжении людей в Одессе. Вне зависимости от твоей лично интепретации.

или ты думаешь, что словами можно защититься, когда с тебя спросят за убитых?

New UN report on Ukraine details breakdown in law and order in the east and worrying trends in Crimea

GENEVA (18 June 2014) – The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Wednesday issued a new report on Ukraine that describes the breakdown of law and order in the areas held by armed groups in the east of the country – with increasing evidence of abductions, detentions, torture, and killings – as well as a number of “worrying trends” emerging in Crimea.
High Commissioner Navi Pillay urged the armed groups operating in eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk to “stop taking themselves, and the people living in their regions, down this dead end, which is leading simply to misery, destruction, displacement and economic deprivation.”

While devoting half the report to recent events in the east and Crimea, the Monitoring Mission also outlines the various ongoing investigations and initiatives (five in all) related to human rights violations surrounding the November 2013 - February 2014 Maidan protests. The report also describes the six investigations and commissions established to investigate the tragic events in Odesa on 2 May. In order to ensure confidence in the investigations and guarantee accountability and due process, a number of questions must be answered, the report says. These include identifying who shot at protesters during the afternoon; explaining why the police and the fire brigade were slow to react, or did not react at all; detailing precisely what happened in the Trade uniоn Building and the cause of the fire; and identifying any perpetrators.

0 +0−0F G 16:04:26
0 +0−0Lemmy Lemmy11:13:44
Открыл Армению... Голливуд и лицемерие близнецы-братья.
Точно так же как Госдума.
0 +0−0F G 04:08:23
-4 +1−5длинный нос03:49:22
Ужас. Террористы, используя российские танки и авиацию, штурмуют город с женщинами и детьми. Чтобы потом всех женщин и детей изнасиловать и вспороть им животы, а мужчин сжечь заживо. Куда смотрит международное сообщество? Необходимо срочно стереть базы, откуда боевики ИГИЛ получают деньги и оружие.
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