Obs Vacation№1302293 „10“

-2 +0−2Obs Vacation00:12:44
-61 +180−241Максим Зырянов19:38:47
Шойгу выехал на танке.
Sufficient response to Russian's absentee arrests of Avakov, Kolomojsky and Yarosh. What, it is not only Russian prerogative to make the world laugh?
0 +0−0Obs Vacation23:48:52
0 +0−0Sergey Smirnov23:41:42
If America does not need the Ukraine, why are so many gestures? For the happiness of people in Ukraine? As in Libya? As in Iraq? As in Syria? As in Korea? As in Vietnam? As in Yugoslavia? As in Afghanistan? But why go far, both in South America with the Native Americans? Anglo-Saxon society colonizes and destroys other peoples throughout its history. Your eyes are open, but you are blind. America - the aggressor, the parasite. Living at the expense of others, it must be all over the world 15 trillion dollars, printed paper, and received resources. The world has decided to do away with this pyramid, and it is inevitable.
Again propaganda cliche, sounds like old USSR TV from my childhood. Enjoy the enema of your brains.
0 +0−0Obs Vacation23:30:50
0 +0−0Sergey Smirnov23:14:33
Хочу отметить - Американцы на стороне своей страны и президента, Русские на стороне России и Путина. А вот украинцы...разменная монета чтоли? Где суверенность то?
America is what it is and it has its interests. My eyes are open, however yours are shut. I try on your level. There is no feasible resources America needs in Ukraine. So there is no economical interest. As for political interests, America and entire world community watches and cheers for Ukraine to become independent state and if it means for them join EU so be it. You stuck on your cliche that Ukraine is разменная монета, that "America wants to continue the collapse of the USSR", and so on... The bottom line Russia does not need an independent EU aligned country it can't control next to its border! And this the reason for this horrible conflict. Russia needs a puppet junta in buffer state next to its border.
2 +2−0Obs Vacation23:08:32
0 +0−0Sergey Smirnov23:01:42
You have to be an idiot not to realize the obvious fact - America has arranged a new Vietnam. Ukraine - just a territory where the two powers to defend their position. America wants to continue the collapse of the USSR, Russia is to be a sovereign state, not a colony.
America has nothing to do with the USSR's collapse. America cares less about status of Russia. What America cares for is a right for a nation to be independent. This is what Ukraine wants, this is what Russia is afraid of and does not want to happen.
0 +1−1Obs Vacation22:57:40
-1 +0−1Sergey Smirnov22:54:27
And I'm not talking about the truth of Russian pictures. I believe that there is an information war, and all lie. But I talk to friends from Ukraine, they look and the Russian media and Ukrainian media, according to them the truth more in the Russian media. There are facts, and there are arguments. These photos are arguments without reason.
Sure, it is very convenient for you to believe that. Anything that goes against the main stream propaganda is a lie. Please do believe that there are no Russian troops along Ukrainian border whatsoever, if it makes you feel better. It won't change the facts though.
0 +1−1Obs Vacation22:49:25
2 +3−1Sergey Smirnov22:25:47
=) помню еще в 2000ом другу помогал для игры пиксель арт делать, танчики в паинте рисовал, было сложнее чем тут
I bet when Russia issues photos of Ukraine shelling Russia you believe them, why do you not think they are fake as well? Because they "play your hand"?
0 +1−1Obs Vacation00:30:08
-1 +0−1Homme à la pipe assis 221:52:51
тебе напомнить кто самые лучшие программисты?
Not Russians
1 +1−0Obs Vacation00:57:39
Hey Russians, close your iron curtains please, otherwise your stench spreads all over the Europe. Thank you for cooperation in advance.(:smile:)
0 +1−1Obs Vacation22:50:50
Great article. Outstanding piece of journalism, in all its aspects. Perfect Russian Language, compared to what they write in "Russian" now on the internet. Bravo!
0 +1−1Obs Vacation22:38:54
Great article. I did not read such outstanding (in all aspects of journalism) material for a long time now. Perfect Russian Language, compared to whatever is now passed for it. Nice penmanship and very sharp tongue. Bravo!
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