Heinrich Von Helmbrecht№-8195560 „2“

0 +0−0Heinrich Von Helmbrecht21:38:16
Nice story, thank you. The long walk gives a time to look inside of the man, to understand personal problems, to cleanse him/herself inside and out (considering that this is a good workout). In our society, we have no time to spend with yourself, not so much time to spend with GOD. The long travel provides you these opportunities.
0 +0−0Heinrich Von Helmbrecht16:55:26
-1 +0−0Александр Круглов15:54:32
Сталин - это Справедливость и работающие социальные лифты - то чего с 1992 года не было, нет и никогда не будет в РФ при буржуазном строе.
Stalin and Lenin successfully murdered mostly of educated Russians. These who “were nothing, but become everything” of course now have a gratitude to Stalin. Of course, following history, Russia can be controlled only by tortured Power, not by intelligent Leaders.
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