№-5485667 „1“

-1 +0−0Ukrcoal.com19:57:00
68 +0−0Максим Градецкий18:10:40
Пока хохлы рассказывали о нищающей рашке и вяленых ежах, у самих начался очередной голодомор. Здобулы!
Вы как-то уже определитесь - ДНР\ЛНР это Украина или нет? Доклад "
While access to food never used to be a problem before the conflict, the economic crisis, coupled with one of the highest food inflation rates in the world, significantly weakened the ability of families to cope in the face of increasing unemployment and lack of income. An economic blockade introduced by the government and continuous fighting are isolating the civilian population in the violence-wracked east of the country, cutting offaccess to food markets, medical care, education and other vital social services. According to the most recent assessments, the number of food insecure people in 2017 significantly increased both in non-government controlled areas – 800,000 people, of whom 150,000 are severely insecure – and in government-controlled territories, where 410,000 people are food insecure."
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