Mark Renton№-4672088 „1“

-2 +0−0Mark Renton10:55:01
Interesting. Till 1939 USSR and Germany had no common border and the German invasion in Russia was inevitable, according to the "historian". Yet, when Poland was divided and a common border was formed, the war suddenly was postponed by two years and nothing threatened USSR any more. It is really idiotic.I fail to see any logic here. USSR had no defense pans at this time, all it did was to prepare for an invasion. USSR used the time from 1939 till 1941 not to prepare for any defense, but to annex the Baltics, part of Poland, part of Romania and part of Finland. In August 1939 Germany was totally unprepared for a full-scale war. Their stocks of artillery shells were sufficient only for 3 weeks of war; their tanks at this time were a joke, Germany posed no threat to the USSR. If Stalin really wanted to stop Hitler he simply could have sent weapons to Poland after 1 September 1939 - and the Polish army would have defeated Germany. Stalin needed this peace treaty with Germany because Stalin wanted to invade Europe (like he did in 1945) and Hitler fighting all over Europe and sinking deeper and deeper into the war was part of his plans. Things did not turn out like he expected.
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