Сообщение №17032777

4 +0−0Василий Иванов05:13:12
-6 +0−0Melissa Baker05:09:22
Это Киснлев так утверждает. А вот заключение аудиторской палаты содержащееся в докладе который всех вас так развеселил:

Since mid-2015, Ukraine’s economy has witnessed signs of economic stabilisation following a particularly deep
recession that was largely driven by the confidence loss and damage of production capacity associated with the
armed conflict in the east. The stabilisation reflected a combination of factors such as a strong macroeconomic
policy response that was used to address long-term imbalances and large-scale international financial and technical
support that was instrumental for reining in the confidence crisis.
Following contraction of 6.6 % in 2014 and 9.9 % in 2015, the economy is expected to return to growth (projected at
1-2 %) in 2016 on the back of gradually improving consumer and investor confidence. GDP increased by 0.1 % in real
terms in Q1 2016 and rose by 1.3 % in Q2.
Due to the situation in Ukraine, ENI assistance since 2014 has indeed been provided in the form of annual
‘Special Measures’. Preparations have now started to return to normal multi-annual programming in the form of
a Single Support Framework starting from 2018.
Укропов судьба наказывает за всю ту злобу и мерзость, которую они источают. На ненависти к комуто(русским) не построишь ни государства, ни нормальной жизни, укропам предстоит еще пройти 10 кругов ада, перед тем, как они это поймут .
^^^Наверх^^^Обратная связь