Сообщение №15660322

-3 +0−0Жиклёры Кузнецова20:31:34
5 +0−0Don Tigro20:30:11
The United Kingdom has grounded its fleet of six Boeing E-3D Sentry Airborne Warning And Control System (AWACS) aircraft following the discovery of electrical problems, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) confirmed to IHS Jane's on 7 November.

The aircraft were found to have an unspecified issue with some electrical wiring and cabin conditioning systems during a recent routine technical inspection. "Safety remains our paramount concern, therefore, the UK Sentry fleet will only fly again once the on-going rectification work is complete," the MoD said in a statement.
А сколько таких Боингов у НАТО с системой АВАКС ты или путин знает?
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