Сообщение №1470699845752034

-6 +5−11Bek Kay02:44:05
-2 +1−3Valery Mandrykin02:40:35
Да ладно ... Я уже написал в посте об этом.. Только причина для радости как раз и есть в том, что это уменьшает количество союзников :-)
Relations between the United States and the Philippines are strong, historically close and extremely friendly and has also been described as a Special Relationship. The United States is undeniably the Philippines' closest ally in the world, Philippines being one of United States' oldest Asian partners and a close strategic major non-NATO ally. The United States has consistently been one of the Filipinos' favorite nations in the world, with 90% of Filipinos viewing the U.S. and 91% viewing Americans favorably in 2002,[1][2] 90% of Filipinos viewing U.S. influence positively in 2011,[3] 85% of Filipinos viewing the U.S. and Americans favorably in 2013,[4] and 92% of Filipinos viewing the U.S. favorably in 2015,[5] and 89% having confidence in United States president, Barack Obama in 2014,[6] making the Philippines the most pro-American country in the world.
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