Сообщение №1468491047762865

-1 +0−1Григорий Кривицкий13:10:47
"Sandra Bland was a 28-year-old black woman who was found hanged in a jail cell"
" A motion-activated camera outside her cell recorded no movement in the hallway for 90 minutes before jailers found her dead."
"The officer said don't move. As he was putting his hands back up, the officer shot him in the arm four or five times."
"He had a criminal record that included violent offenses and a 2009 conviction for carrying a firearm while in possession of a controlled substance. A 2009 affidavit of probable cause says that he actively resisted arrest and a "black semi auto gun" fell from his waistband as the arresting officer wrestled him on the ground. The officer was eventually able to arrest him."
И т. д. В массе своей "образцовые" граждане.
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