Сообщение №1408164436680644

0 +0−0Sergey Yakovlev07:47:16
1 +1−0Klapaucjusz Trurl22:26:44
Европа "забила" на аннексию Северного Кипра Турцией в 1974.
Только поинтересуйтесь как там, на Северном Кипре
Инвестиций нет, экономики как таковой нет, туризма нет.
Currently, Higher Education Sector is one of the main service sectors for Northern Cyprus which contributes to the current account and the economy. 9 universities (3 will have their first education year in 2010) operating in the area attracts students from many different countries.
Retired foreign citizens show a significant demand for buying a retirement home from Northern Cyprus where we have approximately 10 thousand foreign retired families living in the area. Cyprus is already well-known location in certain countries due to the strong ties with the United Nations Soldiers and the United Kingdom which dates back to the Colonial Period. Especially, the British Society is very active in the Northern Cyprus.

In addition to the economic advantages offered for your investment, European uniоn is actively involved in the development of the economy in Northern Cyprus. You can visit Europe Aid’s website (Ссылка на webgate.ec.europa.eu

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