Сообщение №1407271732560863

0 +0−0Obs Vacation23:48:52
0 +0−0Sergey Smirnov23:41:42
If America does not need the Ukraine, why are so many gestures? For the happiness of people in Ukraine? As in Libya? As in Iraq? As in Syria? As in Korea? As in Vietnam? As in Yugoslavia? As in Afghanistan? But why go far, both in South America with the Native Americans? Anglo-Saxon society colonizes and destroys other peoples throughout its history. Your eyes are open, but you are blind. America - the aggressor, the parasite. Living at the expense of others, it must be all over the world 15 trillion dollars, printed paper, and received resources. The world has decided to do away with this pyramid, and it is inevitable.
Again propaganda cliche, sounds like old USSR TV from my childhood. Enjoy the enema of your brains.
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