Сообщение №1407270650076903

0 +0−0Obs Vacation23:30:50
0 +0−0Sergey Smirnov23:14:33
Хочу отметить - Американцы на стороне своей страны и президента, Русские на стороне России и Путина. А вот украинцы...разменная монета чтоли? Где суверенность то?
America is what it is and it has its interests. My eyes are open, however yours are shut. I try on your level. There is no feasible resources America needs in Ukraine. So there is no economical interest. As for political interests, America and entire world community watches and cheers for Ukraine to become independent state and if it means for them join EU so be it. You stuck on your cliche that Ukraine is разменная монета, that "America wants to continue the collapse of the USSR", and so on... The bottom line Russia does not need an independent EU aligned country it can't control next to its border! And this the reason for this horrible conflict. Russia needs a puppet junta in buffer state next to its border.
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