Сообщение №1405662347906809

0 +1−1olegb58008:45:47
Malaysian "777" went off course by tens of kilometers not long before he fell near the border of Ukraine and Russia. Three days ago the same flight from Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur flying over eastern Ukraine through special air corridor for civil aviation. Modern programs available to everyone, allow you to track the movement of civilian flights. Anyone could see the strange circumstance: July 14 flight flew through the Donetsk region much further south.

On July 15 there were again recorded only small deviations from the normal path of the flight in the sky over India. And on Wednesday, the plane was flying, as usual, through Germany and Poland, and in Ukraine much farther south than the day of the disaster.

July 17, as the flight tracker shows, is the first time airliner is flying through areas of active hostilities. LifeNews interviewed experts argue that any such change should have been coordinated with the route supervisory authority. In Ukraine, it is called "Aeroruh." This office had no immediate comment on catastrophe, which killed hundreds of people.

Below you can see how exactly flight path was changed to lead it to the slaughter.
Ссылка на signor-antonio.livejournal.com
/>Трагедия Боинга 777 Search on YouTube
In 2001, in the skies over the Black Sea anti-aircraft missile S-200, released during the military exercises of the Ukrainian army, struck Tu-154M "Siberia." Airliner was Flight 1812 from Tel Aviv - Novosibirsk. All 66 passengers and 12 crew members were killed.

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