Сообщение №1389995478349646

-2 +0−2Igor Chernyavskiy00:51:18
When catholic church was a reliable ally of anti-communist forces all around USA and western Europe legal system of those countries managed not to notice anything strange about sexual preferences of the priests. But when during the educational reform in the USA catholic schools happened to be in a way of wonderful ideas of routing school children whose parents care about their safety and education into newly minted private charter schools old files were immediately pulled to lite. There were priests with history of abuse dating back 20 to 30 years, way back into anticommunist age. There were bishops that covered the sexual child abuse by priests for as many years (it might be going back even more but both witnesses and perpetrators dead from old age). New saint Joan Paul II was routinely giving cover to thousands of pedophile priest in the same time when polish leaders kissed his hand. What new pope is doing is too little, too late for many victims who were pushed to alcohol and drugs by abuse and cover-ups. Some USA parishes are bankrupt from flood of lawsuits by victims, but many perpetrators are hiding in the monasteries in USA and Italy instead of being sent to jail that they so obviously deserved.
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