Сообщение №1384057846132742

11 +11−0George Sullivan07:30:46
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Иван Иванов » Мяшок г. бульбы 48 минут назад
Ходили они и в космос, когда американцы на Луну летали. А толку? Выхлоп не велик, экономического и научного смысла нет.

"Our space program is an integral part of American education, our competitiveness, and the growth of U.S. technology. Compared with other forms of investment, the return is outstanding: A payback of $7 or 8 for every $1 invested over a period of a decade or so has been calculated for the Apollo Program, which at its peak accounted for a mere 4 percent of the Federal budget. It has been further estimated that, because of the potential for technology transfer and spinoff industries, every $1 spent on basic research in space today will generate $40 worth of economic growth on Earth."

Ссылка на www.nss.org

Ссылка на cmapspaceexp.ihmc.us
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