Сообщение №1382513557075941

-4 +1−5g j10:32:37
-5 +3−8Mr Anderson10:28:20
here's the thing; unlike the planes made in Russia nowadays, the Soviet ones were of much better quality. I wouldn't even buy today's Russian aircraft given the lack of quality control and mass corruption. I'd much rather buy a brand new (build during USSR) Yak (yeah, i also wanna say YUCK ;) than buy a new Superjet (which already had 2 accidents so far)
"brand new built during USSR" is an oxymoron. No such thing. And no, by modern standards they were too uncomfortable (and yes, this is also part of "quality") and inefficient and noisy to be even considered. And no, Superjet didn't have a single accident so far that was a result of its own quality and not a human error. Even Indonesia is purchasing it. Plus the brand there is Sukhoi which is by far the most recognized Russian brand in the industry.
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