Сообщение №1375659720486099

-1 +0−1Адам Козлевский02:42:00
1 +1−0Адам Козлевский02:37:24
А тут говорится, что он даже не испанец, а иракец, который имя поменял. Запутанная история.
Ссылка на www.theguardian.com

"According to the Moroccan digital newspaper Lakome, Galván was released at the express request of the CNI, Spain's national intelligence agency. The organisation allegedly extracted him from Iraq where he worked as a spy within the military under the regime of Saddam Hussein. Galván is an Iraqi from Basra and appears to have acquired his Spanish name from the secret service, along with a new identity as a retired professor of oceanography. He moved to Rabat eight years ago where he organised parties in his home for poor and vulnerable children whom he abused and photographed."
Какой нормальный родитель отпустит своего ребенка одного на "вечеринку" с каким-то незнакомым им дядей, да даже и знакомым?
^^^Наверх^^^Обратная связь