Сообщение №1368042367112623

-2 +0−2Semper Fi22:46:07
5 +7−2Леонид Петров22:00:21
У евреев ожидаемый баттхерт. Меня интересует один вопрос... теперь его моссад тоже как других пристрелит?
Не напрягайся. уже было опровержение. Ничего подобного Хоккингс не заявлял. А в Израиль не едет по состоянию здоровья.

The Guardian, which broke the story late last night, claimed that Hawking was due to boycott Israel after receiving an erroneous statement from the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP), apparently with Hawking’s approval.

The statement said that the move was “his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there”.

However, a Cambridge university spokesperson has confirmed to The Commentator that there was a “misunderstanding” this past weekend, and that Prof. Hawking had pulled out of the conference for medical reasons.
Ссылка на legalinsurrection.com

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